Unemployment Appeals

Unemployment Appeals

New Jersey Unemployment Attorneys

Have you been told by the Department of Labor that you are ineligible to receive unemployment benefits because you “voluntarily left your work for no good cause” or that you were terminated for “misconduct”?

The New Jersey Unemployment Appeal Center was created to help guide those New Jersey citizens who have lost their jobs through the unemployment benefits process. New Jersey unemployment compensation provide employees who lose their job due to no fault of their own with a form of compensation while they remain unemployed and continue looking for new work. The legislative purpose of New Jersey Unemployment Compensation law is to lighten the burden of unemployment which now so often falls with crushing force upon the unemployed worker and family. In enacting the New Jersey Unemployment Compensation Law, our legislature declared that economic insecurity due to unemployment is a serious menace to the health, morals, and welfare of the people of New Jersey.

The New Jersey Department of Labor has a process in order to determine whether an applicant is eligible and the amount and duration they can collect unemployment benefits. The New Jersey Unemployment Appeal Center provides current information and news regarding New Jersey Unemployment Law to assist the New Jersey unemployed through the Department of Labor’s unemployment benefits process, including through the initial determination and the appeal process. If you need in of legal assistance or representation in connection with your unemployment application or appeal, please contact a New Jersey unemployment attorney at Smith Eibeler to discuss your matter.

Recent New Jersey Unemployment Benefit Decisions

Claimant Who Left Work to Care For Children is Disqualified from Receiving New Jersey Unemployment Benefits March, 2012

Employee Who Loses Job While In Jail Held Ineligible For New Jersey Unemployment Benefits March, 2012

Claimant Held Ineligible For Voluntarily Leaving Job before Receiving Approval of Transfer Request February, 2012

Good Faith Mistake of Receiving Double Unemployment Benefits is No Defense February, 2012

Asking Family and Friends About Jobs Is Not Enough To Be Actively Seeking Work To Receive New Jersey Unemployment Benefits January, 2012

Two Recent Unemployment Appeals Dismissed for Late Filing Without Good Cause December, 2011

Communication Breakdown with Employer Does Not Result in Employee’s Disqualification of Unemployment Benefits November, 2011

Claimant Who Voluntarily Left Her Employment Because of a Hostile Work Environment is Eligible for Unemployment Benefits November, 2011

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